The Way my Mind Works

I overreact to everything.
Sometimes I feel like I can win AGT if I wanted. And other times it takes me forever to convince myself to eat. 
If my dad yells at me, it has to mean that he's going to kick me out of the house. If my crush looks at me weirdly, it means that they have officially rejected me. They hate my guts, versus them looking at me like that because I'm just acting weird.
People say that I'm so dramatic, but maybe it's just the way my brain works?

Here's what was going through my mind one day:
so rn i would really like for God to come down and tell me why i'm here, why im not dead, and why things have to be so screwed up in my life and my brain. like i feel depressed, but no, it's screwed up brain chemistry. sometimes i feel like i can win agt if i wanted and other times i want to just curl up and die. and this happens, like everyday. and people are just like, oh, they're just mood swings, you'll get over it. but that's the thing. i can't. i can't get over it. you don't understand, ok? like, oh, its just bc you're on period. well, guess what? what if i have problems with that? what if that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what im going through? you can't just shove me into a box and say it's only for a while, recover in here. stop it. just dont touch me, dont talk to me, bc im not even sure i'll be ever missed. 

That was at an extreme low. And then there are extreme highs.
Oh no.
They are insane. Everyone thinks I need to go to a mental hospital. I just get incredibly hyper and so weird. I'm not going to go into detail about that, but you get the gist of it.
